
The “Time-Served” Pot Trap – all that glitters isn’t gold

Often, the Government will make an offer of “time-served” to take care of the Accused’s possession of marijuana charge. Put simply, when the Government does this, it is offering to call it even, so to speak—the Accused has already spent some time in jail for the...

Shame On the State, part I

“What is a cop when he is not wearing his uniform?”   “Naked.”   If you have heard this, chances are, you have either reported for jury duty in Denton County, or practice law in Denton County. The State routinely makes use of this in its voir dire routine. A...

Why Plea Bargains (Don’t) Work

If the Government is bad at plea offers the justice system breaks down.   There are far too many cases on a given docket in a county or district court in most cities for the Government to try every single case. As such, disposing of some cases by plea offers...

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